If you did not have enough courage in the past to give it a try or did you feel its too expensive for you, than now it’s YOUR time.
What is the functional training? Why is this so great?
The functional training is become more and more famous nowadays. That kind of training, that the moves coming from your everyday practice. You can pull up yourself at the garden of push ups and the street and the possibilities are infinite. This is the newest of this kind. The CrossTraining, which is a functional circuit training mixed of TRX kettlebell (girja) and Crossfit.
The TRX is a rope which you can hang on a tree or anywhere else and you can lever up your strength, balance and core muscles also.
Easy, fast, cool! This is CrossTraining! Your training level doesn’t matter. Anyone can join us!How thought a few years ago that the American NAVY will invent the most innovative fitness training course the CrossTraining? The most important thing is that you can use a lots of muscles in the same time with your own weight!
How a CrossTraining course look like?
CrossTraining, which is a functional circuit training mixed of TRX kettlebell (girja) and Crossfit. Állítható a magassága, ezzel pedig a nehézségi fokozata. With this you can use your own weight to work out your every muscle from toes till head 🙂 It is very different from the normal isolated body building because one excersice will use a lots of muscles.
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